Sparse Table
Sparse Table can be only used for $immutable$ arrays, since it cannot handle the updates efficiently.
Though the standard Sparse Table can answer any $ideompotent$ operation over a range with $O(1)$ time complexity, and any $associative$ operation with $O(\log N)$ time complexity.
This is the template I use.
Note: You might want to keep the LOG as the second dimention of you array to minimise the cache miss and have even faster code.
template<typename T>
struct sparse_table{
const int LOG = 20; // should be okay until 10^6 arrays
T n;
vector<vector<T> > dp;
// TODO: Something you might need to change
T merge(T a, T b){
return min(a, b);
sprase_table(vector<T> &a){
n = sz(a);
dp[0] = a;
repA(id, 1, LOG - 1){
rep(j, n){
dp[id][j] = dp[id - 1][j];
int next_id = j + (1L << (id - 1));
if(next_id < n){
dp[id][j] = merge(dp[id][j], dp[id - 1][next_id]);
// query of the form [l, r]
T query(int l, int r){
int d = r - l + 1;
int id = __builtin_clzll(1) - __builtin_clzll(d);
int shift = (1LL << id);
return merge(dp[id][l], dp[id][r - shift + 1]);
Disjoint Sparse Table
With some more $O(N\log N)$ preprocessing you can achieve $O(1)$ query processing time for any associative function $\circ$.
It is called Disjoint Sparse Table.
The blog post felt very dense initially so this lecture might be more friendly.
Idea is something like following:
- First extend the array such that it’s size become power of 2. Let’s say the size of the array is now $2^z$.
- You perform divide and conquer type technique and precalculate prefix and suffix sum from the middle for each $j \in [1, \ldots, z - 1]$.
- To be more detailed, for each $j$,
- For each index $i < 2^z$, and $i \equiv 0 \pmod{2^j}$
- Pre calculate prefix and suffix sums for the segment of size $2^j$ from the index $i$.
- Now for each query of form $[l, r]$,
- Find the largest $j$ such that there exist an index $i$ satisfying $i \equiv 0 \pmod{2^j}$ and $i \in [l, r]$.
- The answer to the query would be $prefix[j][l] \circ suffix[j][r]$.
There is some bit magic involved to find the largest $j$ for each query. Or you can reduce that to Range Maximum Query in $O(1)$ using another sparse table. See the blog post above or the lecture for more details.
I have yet to require a need to implement this, so I am going to leave it to my future self :)