Goal: Find shortest path from vertex $v$ to all the other vertexes

Dijkstra’s Algorithm

Limitations: Only works with positive weights.

So for every edge $(u, v)$ we are trying to solve the problem, $dist(u) = min(dist(u), dist(v) + weight(u, v))$.
The second operation here could be a max operator rather than a sum operator. This will give you Minimum Bottleneck Path.

Complexity: $O(N + M \log M)$

const int INF = 1e9 + 9; // needs to be sufficiently large

vector<vector<pair<int, int>>> g(n); // adjecency list

priority_queue<pair<int, int>> q;
vector<int> dist(n, INF);
vector<bool> visited(n);

dist[v] = 0;
q.push(make_pair(0, v));

    int root = q.top().second;
    if(visited[root]) continue;
    visited[root] = true;

    for(auto e : g[root]){
        int child = e.first, w = e.second;

        if(dist[child] > dist[root] + w){
              dist[child] = dist[root] + w;
              q.push(make_pair(-dist[child], child));

Bellman-Ford Algorithm

Works with negative weights as well. If the graph contains a negative weight cycle reachable from vertex $v$, all such vertexes should receive $-\infty$ weight.

Using this algorithm it is possible to find such negative weight cycle as well.

We store the edges of the graph as edgelist, each tuple of the format $(to, from, weight)$.

Complexity: $O(N M)$

vector<int> distance(n, INF);
distance[v] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n-1; i++) {
  bool changed = false;
  for (auto e : edges) {
      int a, b, w;
      tie(a, b, w) = e;
      if(distance[b] < (distance[a] + w)){
          distance[b] = distance[a] + w;
          changed = true;
  if(!changed) break;

If the algorithm reduces the weight in the $n^{\text{th}}$ round then the graph contains a negative cycle.

You can retrieve such shortest path as metioned on this article.

Shortest Path Faster Algorithm (SPFA)

This is an improvement over Bellman-Ford which improves it’s average time complexity.

Do notice that we don’t need to visit all the vertices each round to perform the relaxation. Let’s maintain a $queue$ with the vertices which we are relaxed in current round, we notice that only such vertices can be used to relax it’s neighbors in each round.

Worst-Case Complexity: $O(N M)$
It still faster in average case, but it is possible to create a graph which makes the algorithm runs in worst case.

See here for implementation. I will add a template code here if I end up using it one day.


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