Segment Trees
You can find the full template on my github repository: segtree.h, segtree_lazy.h
Basic Segment Tree
As you might remember this data structure is very nice at answering range query for an associative operation. The runtime of such query is $O(\log N)$.
It is called Segment Tree because each node in the tree stores the operation over a segment, covered by it’s children.
The leaf nodes are of length $1$.
So you can divide any $[l, r]$ query into $\log N$ segments, where we have precalculated the operation for each of those segments.
I feel comfortable with recursive implementation of segment trees, but the iterative versions are comparably faster.
- The
structure denotes the information you need to store on eachsegment
. - The
method is used to merge two segments. You can use any $associative$ function. - The
constructor needs return an $identity$ element under the operation in thejoin
In more formal terms, segment
needs to be a monoid.
struct segment {
int minimum;
int data;
// TODO: Make sure the default constructor initialises identity element.
segment(int m = INF) : minimum(m) {}
// TODO: Update to any associative function.
void join(const segment &other) {
minimum = min(minimum, other.minimum);
void join(const segment &seg0, const segment &seg1) {
*this = seg0;
stores the number of values stored in the entiretree
stores the data for each segment node.- We use implicit pointers, i.e. for node
it’s left child is2 * id
and right child is2 * id + 1
. lo
stores the interval range for eachid
. Basically for what indexes the segment holds the answer for the operations. This will be used to answer queries later.
struct seg_tree{
int n;
vector<int> lo, hi;
vector<segment> seg;
seg_tree(int nn) : n(nn), lo(4 * n), hi(4 * n), seg(4 * n) { build(0, n - 1, 1); }
seg_tree(vector<segment> &arr) : n(sz(arr)), lo(4 * n), hi(4 * n), seg(4 * n) { build(0, n - 1, 1, arr); }
Building the tree
Builds the entire tree. Initialises lo
, hi
and seg
Complexity: $O(N)$
// pulls the data from the child to the parent.
void pull(int id){
seg[id].join(seg[2 * id], seg[2 * id + 1]);
void build(int l, int r, int id, vector<segment> &arr){
lo[id] = l, hi[id] = r;
if(l == r){
seg[id] = arr[l];
int mid = (l + r) / 2;
build(l, mid, 2 * id);
build(mid + 1, r, 2 * id);
Range Query
Complexity: $O(\log N)$
// assumes zero indexing.
// answers for [l, r]
segment query(int l, int r, int id = 1){
if(l > hi[id] || r < lo[id]){ // node is outside the query.
return segment(); // identity element
if(l <= lo[id] && hi[id] <= r) { // node entirely inside query
return seg[id];
segment lquery = query(l, r, 2 * id);
segment rquery = query(l, r, 2 * id + 1);
return lquery;
Point Update
Complexity: $O(\log N)$
void set(int p, segment val, int id = 1){
if(p < lo[id] || p > hi[id]){
if(lo[id] == hi[id]){
seg[id] = val;
set(p, val, 2 * id);
set(p, val, 2 * id + 1);
Lazy Propagation
The segment tree we talked about above gives us ability to do $point$ update and $range$ query.
With Lazy Propagation we can achieve $range$ update and $range$ query for certain kinds of updates.
To enable this, we will stores the updates on each segment and only propagate it to it’s child lazily.
Following code add two functionalities, increase an entire range by d
or set a value to entire range to d
Again the default contructor of the change needs to return an $identity$ element for the mapping.
method return a new segment_change
which applies the current change, followed by the new change.
struct segment_change {
int to_add, to_set;
// TODO: Make sure the default constructor initialises identity element.
segment_change(int _to_add = 0, int _to_set = -INF) : to_add(_to_add), to_set(_to_set) {}
bool has_set() const {
return to_set != -INF;
bool has_change() const {
return has_set() || to_add != 0;
// Return the combined result of applying this segment_change followed by `other`.
// TODO: check for boundary values.
segment_change combine(const segment_change &other) {
if (other.has_set()) {
return other;
segment_change n = segment_change(to_add + other.to_add, to_set);
return n;
We also need to add a new method in segment
struct that applies the change.
struct segment{
void apply(const segment_change &change) {
if (change.has_set()) {
sum = len * change.to_set;
sum += len * change.to_add;
Add following helper methods in the segment_tree
vector<segment_change> seg_change; // initialised in the constructor
void pull(int id){
seg[id].join(seg[2 * id], seg[2 * id + 1]);
// applies the following change to the segment and
// merges the change with the existing change.
void apply_and_combine(seg id, const segment_change &change){
seg_change[id] = seg_change[id].combine(change);
// pushes the change on the parent to it's two children
void push(id){
// not a leaf and has change
if(lo[id] != hi[id] && seg_change[id].has_change()){
apply_and_combine(2 * id, seg_change[id]);
apply_and_combine(2 * id + 1, seg_change[id]);
seg_change[id] = segment_change();
Range Query
The only thing that is going to change is that each time we visit a node, we will push any of the outstanding changes to it’s children.
That way we ensure that each time we visit a node, any changes to it’s parents are already pushed to it.
Complexity: $O(\log N)$
segment query(int l, int r, int id = 1){
if(l > hi[id] || r < lo[id]){
return segment();
if(l <= lo[id] && hi[id] <= r) {
return seg[id];
// Only line that changed. :)
segment lquery = query(l, r, 2 * id);
segment rquery = query(l, r, 2 * id + 1);
return lquery;
Range Update
This is the interesting part.
When we reach a node that is entirely within the range, we apply the change to it and return;
otherwise we traverse all the child while pushing the previous changes.
At the end, we recalculate our segment values by doing pull
from the childrens.
Complexity: $O(\log N)$
void range_update(int l, int r, segment_change &change, int id = 1){
if(l > hi[id] || r < lo[id]){
if(l <= lo[id] && hi[id] <= r){
apply_and_combine(id, change);
range_update(l, r, change, 2 * id);
range_update(l, r, change, 2 * id + 1);