Shyamal Vaderia
I am a second-year Master’s student at the Information Networking Institute of Carnegie Mellon University. I am currently pursuing my Master’s thesis under the guidance of Prof. Dave Andersen.
Before starting my master’s program, I worked at Goldman Sachs and Samsung R&D for approximately four and a half year. I completed my undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (BITS Pilani) in 2019.
My interest have evolved over time, starting with Machine Learning during my undergrad and shifting to Computer Systems in grad school. I have delved into Distributed Systems, Operating Systems and Systems research since joining CMU. I’m also passionate about Data Structures and Algorithms. I try to participate in online competitions whenever I can.
Learning Rust, writing a compiler, contributing to a “real” OS and conducting substential research are my goals until summer.
The logo of this website is an Order 2 pseudo-Hilbert curve; a basic block of space-filling curve also known as Hilbert’s curve. Formally, space-filling curve is a function that gives a bijective mapping from 1D line to 2D space. I see myself mimicking the space-filling curve in a totally different context, as one who is trying to bridge the gaps in his knowledge. That kind of justifies the name of this website in a poetic way.