• do: get changes from other window into the current window
  • dp: put the changes from current window into the other window
  • ]c: jump to the next change
  • [c: jump to the previous change
  • zo: open fold
  • zc: close fold
  • zr: reducing folding level
  • zm: one more folding level, please
  • :diffupdate, :diffu: recalculate the diff
  • :diffg RE: get from REMOTE
  • :diffg BA: get from BASE
  • :diffg LO: get from LOCAL
  • :cquit command to exit vimdiff properly and start the merge again in case of issues.

Yet to be addeed to anki

Screen Positioning Commands in Vim

  • zEnter or zt: Puts the current line at the top of the screen.
  • z. or zz: Puts the current line at the center of the screen.
  • z- or zb: Puts the current line at the bottom of the screen.


