Man Page Mysteries
A New Day, Something New to Learn!!!
I am having a headache learning to use signal processing correctly with the Shell Lab, but it’s a nice exercise.
Aside from what I learned there, the interesting stuff happened with man
I was referring to my local man
pages since, for some reason, the man
command was taking longer to exit on the server I was working on.
I got so confused by the difference in the details that I found on my local macOS compared to the Linux box that threw me off for a while. I thought I was not searching the right commands anymore.
After resolving all the bugs (God knows how!), I opened the man
page again on the server, and lo and behold, the man
pages are different.
macOS has System Call Manuals
for man waitpid
, and it’s Linux's Programmers Manual
on the Linux box. I was writing the program on Linux and was dealing with system calls, so I needed the
pages from Linux. Never had I imagined that man
pages can be different. But, in retrospect, it makes sense that they would be different.
While on this voyage, I realized what the number argument in the man
pages means. It refers to the section in which we need the man
page for.
Look into the reference for more details: