1 minute read

Previously: Bringing Motivation to Your Day: Quote of the Day Project

In my previous post, I shared how to display a random motivational quote on your website. Today, we’ll take it a step further and create an iPhone widget that shows a new quote every day.


We will widget will use the awesome Scriptable app, to create our custom widget. Scriptable allows you to run JavaScript code on your iPhone and provides custom APIs to modify the widget.

You can copy paste the following JavaScript to the Scriptable editor. Like the JS on website, it pulls the data from quotes.json and choose the same random quote used on the website to show on your widget.

const URL = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/svaderia/quote-of-the-day/main/quotes.json';

// Fetch quotes
const response = await new Request(URL).loadJSON();
const quotes = response;

// Get today's date and create a seed
const today = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0];
const seed = today.split('-').join('');

// Generate a seeded random number
function seededRandom(seed) {
  let x = Math.sin(seed) * 10000;
  return x - Math.floor(x);

const randomIndex = Math.floor(seededRandom(seed) * quotes.length);
const randomQuote = quotes[randomIndex];

// Create widget
let widget = new ListWidget();

// Set semi-transparent background color
widget.backgroundColor = new Color("#000000", 0.3); // Black color with 50% opacity

// Add quote text
let quoteText = widget.addText(randomQuote.quote);
quoteText.textColor = Color.white();
quoteText.font = Font.boldSystemFont(16);

// Add attribution text
let attributionText = widget.addText("- " + randomQuote.attribution);
attributionText.textColor = Color.gray();
attributionText.font = Font.italicSystemFont(12);

// Set the widget
if (config.runsInWidget) {
} else {


Save the script with a meaningful name, such as “qotd” and add the widget to your home screen.

Note that Scriptable also supports a widget on Lock Screen, but the quote needs to be small enough to view.


Here is how it looks on my phone.


Next Step: transparent widget background

Widget with transparent background for Quote of the Day